
Today's Edition

New Delhi, 19 December 2023

Salim Khan

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Like  South and Southeast Asia  the balance of power  in the West Asian Muslim world is also changing very fast.

 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently said that it is unacceptable to use Hamas' attack on Israel as a reason for collective punishment for the Palestinian people. He said that Russia will continue to exert political pressure for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip on humanitarian grounds.

In the year 1967, during the 6-day war, three Muslim countries -- Egypt, Syria and Jordan -- together attacked Israel. Due to America's intervention, all three were defeated within 6 days. It has been more than two months but Hamas are still standing firm. There has been huge loss of life and property during this conflict inside Gaza, but the gains of Hamas are also no less.

Despite all efforts, Israel has failed to  get release its prisoners by force. For this Israel has even used cheap tactics like arresting common citizens and calling them Hamas fighters who have laid down their arms.

Israel, which considered the ceasefire tantamount to defeat, had to agree to a ceasefire even if it was temporary. Hamas had the upper hand in the exchange of prisoners and the terms of the ceasefire were decided with its approval. By firing rockets before the ceasefire , it proved that Israel's claim of eliminating 'Hamas' is baseless. Even after the ceasefire, Hamas carried out rocket attacks even in Tel Aviv. Now the situation is such that the Israeli media itself is accusing the government of hiding the deaths of soldiers.

The fact cannot be denied that in the last 70 days, a tremendous feeling of insecurity has arisen among the citizens of Israel which is forcing them to leave the country. Till now, the number of people who have absconded from the country is said to be more than five lakh. Apart from this, it is estimated that ten lakh people are in preparing to leave. This sense of insecurity is the biggest threat to Israel's existence, because its very foundation rests on settlers coming from outside.

The second basis of Israel's existence is the  support from many countries in its favour. But during this time world opinion is  more against it than it has ever been. It has been demonstrated many times in the United Nations. Recently, an immediate ceasefire resolution was passed with the support of 153 countries and India was also among its supporters.

This time only 10 countries, including America and Israel, were against this proposal, while 23 out of 193 countries had abstained themselves. The Palestinian representative to the United Nations described the approval of the ceasefire resolution in the General Assembly as historic. The proposal presented in the United Nations General Assembly on 28 October 2023 was also approved. At that time it had the support of a total of 120 countries, meanwhile 33 countries have increased. There were 14 opposition countries, of which four were less and of the 45 countries that did not participate in the voting last time, 22 had their conscience awakened and opposed Israel. According to PEW within America, 75 percent of Democrat voters and more than half of Republican Party supporters are in favour of armistice.

This struggle has created unique sense of unity in the Muslim world. Israel and the Western powers wanted to make the whole world against it by terming 'Hamas' as a terrorist set-up like 'ISIS'. If they had succeeded in this objective, many Islamic countries would have stood against Hamas. On Palestine, all the Muslim countries remained united and they got the support of China and Russia. This is the beginning of a new era at the global level. During the last century, the Muslim world remained divided between supporters of America and the Soviet Union, but this time it has not happened. Palestine has now emerged as the world's biggest burning problem. Apart from the Muslim rulers, the sympathy of the entire public is with Palestine.

When the world became unipolar after the collapse of the Soviet Union, America started dreaming of implementing its own New World Order, but the 9/11 attacks destroyed its pride. To vent its anger America invaded Afghanistan.

When America failed in Afghanistan, it attacked its friend Saddam Hussein by falsely accusing him of possessing weapons of mass destruction. From there too America had to run away , but the coming to power of a pro-Iranian government in Iraq was a loss-making deal for them.

As a super power America it started trying to put the Palestinian problem on hold forever by making Muslim countries friends of Israel. By waging a war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates were made to fight with Iran. But in March this year, China established friendship between Iran and Saudi Arabia. After a hundred years, all the Muslim countries are gathering in one camp. This is an unprecedented change globally and in the Muslim world. This has created great possibilities for future. In an online conference on the ceasefire, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov admitted that the West's 500-year-old dominance over the world was coming to an end.


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