
New Delhi, 26 October 2023

Why relationship between Samajwadi Party Congress stormy?

Dr Satish Misra

A banner proclaiming Samajwadi Party chief and former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav as ‘future prime minister” at the party headquarter in the state capital on Monday, 23 October signals that all is not well with the newly formed opposition alliance INDIA. 
The banner, which has surely not been put up at the party office without the tacit approval of the top leadership of the party, appears to be the continuation of the skirmish that broke out in Madhya Pradesh over failure of the seats sharing talks between the Congress and the SP for the coming assembly elections. 
Akhilesh Yadav had reacted very strongly at various comments of some Congress leaders that included former chief minister Kamal Nath and chief of the Congress in UP Ajai Rai and had said that the Congress was “fooling” other parties, raising a serious question mark over the opposition alliance.
The Congress, keeping the interest of the opposition alliance high, swung into action making its UP unit chief Rai tender a public apology to the SP chief and one of the top Congress leaders also intervened. 
On Saturday, Akhilesh Yadav had admitted that a top Congress leader has contacted him and he would need to talk to him while trying to downplay verbal duels between the state level leaders of the two parties. It was being presumed that verbal duel had ended but then appearance of a banner has only gone to add the proverbial fuel to an already simmering fire.  
Unnecessary and totally out of place verbal duel has only given a handle to a section of media that is going around with binoculars to find even slightest difference between the alliance partners to confuse people with the objective of keeping the Modi-Shah led BJP ahead in the war of public perception. 
At a time when political maturity is the need of the hour, display of juvenile tendencies like that of a ‘hurt ego’ by a leader like Akhilesh Yadav only establishes that he is not taking threat to the ‘Idea of India’ or to the country’s Constitution from the RSS-BJP combine seriously. Who will be the next prime minister of India will only be relevant if and when the BJP led NDA is defeated in the 2024 general elections. It is definitely not the time to give vent to such desires and is surely not the quality of a future prime minister.                          
Relationship between the Congress and the Samajwadi Party (SP) has always been stormy and latest outburst of anger and disappointment of the latter over failure of the two parties to reach an electoral understanding in the next month’s assembly election in Madhya Pradesh is no big deal. Ties between the two parties have seen few highs but many lows as the SP loves playing the guess game in which friends and foes alike are kept on tenterhooks guessing about the final response of the SP.       
The Samajwadi Party was formed by its founder president Late Mulayam Singh Yadav on 4th October 1992 in the backdrop of Kamandal versus Mandal politics when various aggressive and domineering leaders of backward caste formed their own parties as the short-lived Janata Dal began to disintegrate in absence of a tall leader and fat egos of different pigmy sized leaders. 
It is worth recalling here a political development that happened in 1991 when the then UP chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav tricked former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. VP Singh government had been defeated and the Congress had withdrawn support from Chandrashekhar government resulting in holding of the general elections. Mulayam Singh Yadav was heading the 16 months old government. 
In a meeting between Yadav and Rajiv Gandhi at 10 Janpath in the night, the former had agreed that assembly elections in UP should not be held along with the Lok Sabha elections so that the two parties can devote time taking on the rising BJP. But Yadav did not keep his words and went and decided to step down from the chief ministerial chair forcing the two elections to be held together. 
As both the BJP as well as the SP were keen to snatch away the Congress political ground in UP, the two parties while being enemies in the day light were covert partners or complimenting each other. The Congress began to lose its base in the country’s biggest state slowly but surely. In every assembly elections after 1989, the Congress continued to lose its vote share steadily. 
Current aggressiveness and loud verbal assertion by Akhilesh Yadav seem to be a response to the Congress’ rising political profile particularly after its victories in Himachal Pradesh and Karnatka in which Bharat Jodo Yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir by Rahul Gandhi has played a big role. That is why, Akhilesh Yadav had chosen silence about Bharat Jodo Yatra when it travelled through UP rather extending a welcome. 
But his actions speak louder than any words!

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