
Gopal Misra

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New Delhi | Monday | 10 March 2025

India has missed the opportunity to become a key destination for next-generation computer chips, despite its initial edge in software development. The US has already announced a new chip powered by particles similar to the Higgs Boson, just weeks before a similar Chinese announcement. Industry sources believe that China may soon unveil its own breakthrough, while India lags behind in this crucial technological race.

Although Indian scientist Satyendra Nath Bose was among the pioneers who laid the foundation for the study of the Higgs Boson, the country has failed to capitalize on such discoveries. Instead, India is struggling to establish semiconductor chip production, which is already outdated in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

India risks being left behind with redundant technologies, particularly in computer hardware. Had the Indian government taken the initiative to join the global leaders in chip technology, the country could have secured a place among technology-rich nations and tapped into a trillion-dollar industry. Now, it finds itself competing with smaller economies like Pakistan and some African nations. A decade ago, India was a leader in software development and aimed to become a hardware hub, but recent breakthroughs in chip technology by the US and China have dealt a setback to its ambitions.

Additionally, India is losing ground in software development to China and possibly South Korea. Before 2014, India had established itself as a major force in software technology, but the momentum has slowed in recent years. The current administration is often criticized for diverting the country's focus from scientific advancements to religious pursuits. Even within the ruling BJP, some acknowledge the failure to push India forward in higher sciences and technology.


Article at a Glance
India has missed the chance to become a leader in next-generation computer chip technology, despite its historical strengths in software development. Recent advancements by the US, including a new chip inspired by the Higgs Boson, and anticipated breakthroughs from China have left India trailing in this critical tech race.
Although Indian scientist Satyendra Nath Bose contributed to the foundational studies of the Higgs Boson, the country has struggled to establish its semiconductor production capabilities. This failure risks relegating India to outdated technologies and competition with smaller economies.
Additionally, India is losing its software development edge to China and South Korea, with critics pointing to a lack of focus on scientific advancement under the current administration. Experts warn that without a strategic shift in priorities, India's prospects in the lucrative chip industry remain grim, potentially jeopardizing its technological and defense capabilities.


A lack of awareness among policymakers about historical lessons could be another reason for India's struggle. For instance, Babur's victory over the Lodhis in the Battle of Panipat in 1526 was aided by superior gunpowder technology obtained from China. Today, India’s reluctance to challenge China in the fields of computers and software raises concerns about its defense capabilities.

Reports suggest that Chinese tech giant Huawei assisted Pakistan in upgrading the firepower of its air force. Some speculate that Chinese software played a role in the downing of India's MiG-19 Bison fighter jet on February 27, 2019, during India's surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Before 2014, India had an edge over China in software and space technology, according to a senior BJP leader from the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government. However, he declined to rate the current government's performance, arguing that marks can only be given when something substantial is achieved.

Microsoft’s recent announcement of the Majorana chip is set to revolutionize computing. This breakthrough challenges conventional ideas about matter—whether solid, liquid, or plasma—and could redefine semiconductor platforms. Some believe the Majorana particle is akin to antimatter, with potential applications that are yet to be fully understood. The discovery is being compared to the Higgs Boson particle, first visualized by Bose and later confirmed at CERN, earning its researchers a Nobel Prize.

China has not officially reacted to Microsoft's announcement, but insiders believe a Chinese version of the chip could soon be revealed. Observers in New Delhi warn that with the arrival of this new chip, Indians may have to invest in Windows 12, rendering existing hardware obsolete.

Experts caution that India's failure to stay ahead in the chip industry is a result of misplaced priorities and self-aggrandizement. Without corrective measures to realign national goals and improve technological capabilities, India's prospects in this lucrative field appear bleak.


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