
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 12 January 2024

Prabhjot Singh

How credible are politicians? It is a million rupee question. Its answer may baffle you.

There are many who watch political developments with abated anxiety but do not want to be an active participant. A few may love to dabble in politics as it is the quickest path to fame, power and glory. Some others, however, treat it as a “dirty game” and would not  even touch it.

The beauty of liberal democracies lies in the type of politics it veers around. Cleaner the politics better is the governance. Of late, Indian politics has witnessed a magnificent change.

Though, it has largely remained a two-party system, many smaller or regional players emerged and decimated with the passage of time. India has witnessed unprecedented number of political alliances which survived from a few weeks to a couple of years.

Every time the country headed for a general elections, new political alliances would emerge on the political horizon of the country but the majority or the ruling party would invariably devour the opposition even before it completes its gestation period. India will be heading for general elections early next year.

Naturally, work on political permutations and combinations or need for working out an alliance that could provide an alternative to the current ruling alliance has been hawking media headlines. Recent assembly elections in some of the important States, including Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, provided only a glimpse of the mind of the people.

Will an all-party alliance work this time? Is the present ruling NDA beatable? What are the choices available to the electors of India? All these issues are being debated at various forums. A substantial section of the population is confused as long standing problems facing them are getting aggravated day by day.

There are no solutions to problems of poverty, unemployment, inflation, crime, drugs, growing discontent among farmers, financial frauds, corruption in public places and continuous division of people on religious, regional, language and ethnic lines. Will a unified INDIA alliance be able to serve as an alternative to the present ruling NDA?

The INDIA alliance finds itself caught in a web over a variety of issues, including ideological and then seat adjustment issues? Can Congress and AAP work as a unified force in Punjab? Problems are many. No parties is talking about the major problems facing the people of the country.

It is a wake up call not only for people committed to politics of principles of serving mankind with utmost devotion but also for a common man to make a good choice for securing his own and his offspring’s future.


(About the author : Prabhjot Singh is a veteran journalist with over three decades of experience of 14 years with Reuters News and 30 years with The Tribune Group, covering a wide spectrum of subjects and stories..)


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