
Indu Rani Singh

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New Delhi | Monday | 5 August 2024

It's hurting to hear such derogatory comments about women coming from senior political leaders in the USA, just because they can’t see a woman adorning the post of President of the country.

Plus, she has an Indian and a Black father.

In India, if such comments do come out in public there is an election commission to take care of. And if these comments become too difficult for the leadership to either spit or swallow there is a standard strategy.

The party concerned will say it is her/his personal view or better still call them the ‘fringe element.’

No such formality is needed in the USA. If the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate J D Vance (with an educated Indian origin wife) calls her a ‘Childless Cat Woman’ for not having biological children of her own, the megalomaniac Presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Kamla Harris was not fit enough to deal with world leaders “She’ll be like a Play Toy…They look at her and they say’ We can’t believe we are so lucky. They walk all over her.”

If this had not come from Donald Trump who spreads filth every time, he opens his mouth sitting here in India or anywhere else. people would have thought this was the opinion of the public in the USA and that is why the USA has never had a woman as President since 1776 the country was born.

But that is not true. Joe Biden, the elected President from the Democratic Party who has been President for four years after defeating Trump in 2020 voluntarily walked out from the contest and asked his Vice President Kamla Harris to lead the charge in the ‘best interest of the country’.

And from what we know about her, Kamla Harris is a fighter and a debater, and she would give Trump hell in the campaign that goes on till November.



Article at a Glance

It's disheartening to hear derogatory comments about women from senior political leaders in the USA, particularly when they are vying for the top post. The recent comments about Kamala Harris, a woman of Indian and Black descent, are a stark reminder of the sexism and misogyny that still pervades politics.

In India, such comments would be addressed by the election commission, but in the USA, there seems to be no accountability. The Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, J D Vance, called Harris a "Childless Cat Woman" for not having biological children, while Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about her ability to deal with world leaders.

However, it's heartening to see that not all politicians in the USA share these views. Joe Biden, the elected President, voluntarily stepped down and asked Harris to lead the charge, recognizing her capabilities and strengths.

Women in politics face a common challenge - if they can't be beaten on qualifications and competence, their character is attacked. But it's time to recognize that women can make better leaders than men. They are more dedicated, patient, and systematic, and less prone to mood swings.

It's time for a change, and America getting its first woman President in 2024 would be a significant step forward. Women have proven themselves capable and decisive leaders in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, and it's time for the USA to follow suit.



But one thing common for women in the US and India and I think anywhere in the world is that if you can’t beat a woman in qualification and competence start attacking her character. Even if people don’t believe most of this rubbish some of it does stick around.

Let me say with all the power I have that women prove better leaders than men. They are more dedicated, they have more patience, are more systematic and not given to mood swings.

Ask any man and he will admit that.

Unfortunately, in India, women have been bound from all sides with Lakshman Rekha. Don’t laugh loud, don’t comment and don’t protest if you are beaten up even after you are married because the man is always right.

One reason for this is also that they have nothing to fall back upon if they want to protest. Their place is in the husband’s home, and he is the Lord.

In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas were asking for Five Villages. But a woman can’t ask even for one. They have no right to property and are always vulnerable.

This is hurting because it is a chain reaction. Since the mother is herself not secure she can’t fight against atrocities to her married daughter and advises her to be tolerant.

I know things are changing although very slowly with the spread of education. As families are becoming nuclear and there are no grandparents to take care of children the young husband and wife are realising all they have is themselves.

But more than education, the game changer is that women are bagging the top posts be it the Army, IAS, or IPS and their rankings in IIMs which gives them top administrative positions in every field.

As far as the highest post (Prime Minister) is concerned India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in this part of the world have shown how capable and decisive women can be when they get a chance.

Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who broke Pakistan into two in 1971 in an 18-day war was called the ‘only Man in a cabinet of women.”

Of course, she had her weak points, but don’t men have their whims and fancies?

My point is that unless you give women a chance to govern how will you know what talent can she bring to the table?

And it is time America gets its first woman President in 2024.


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