
Thought for the Day

"Great things  do happen to those who are determined to try  with the belief that they can and they will !-WongWorld"


In Today's Edition

As the world celebrates Christmas this year two bloody wars are going on  -- one in Europe and the other in West Asia .A. war means misery for the poor,  innocent common man. Veteran journalist Gopal Misra expresses his anguish on this crime against humanity. Prashant Gautam remembers Dec 25 as the day when in 1927 Dr B R. Ambedkar burnt Manusmariti to draw attention towards  the repression of Dalits and women in Indian society.While Syed Khalique bemoans the loss of Independence of the Indian media,  academician Dr Rama Saharia advises students on how not to get scared of examinations. -Editor

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