
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 24 January 2024

Pradeep Mathur

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The state of U.P. with its 80 members in the 542-member  Lok Sabha will play the most crucial role in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. If the Opposition alliance has to succeed in its goal to oust  the BJP government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from  office it has to do well. And in this scenario the greatest responsibility is on  the shoulders of   the  Samajwadi Dal, the principle Opposition party in the State and its young leader Akhlesh Yadav. Besides showing accommodation in the matter of seat sharing  and understanding the complexities of an all-India level Opposition alliance there are many other demands on Akhlesh Yadav.     Will he be able to rise to the occasion is a big question .

    In this changing political scenario, there is the need for Akhlesh Yadav  to be the principle  spokesperson and torch-bearer of socialism in the country. This is an opportunity the history has thrown in his lap . To grab it he will have to   give a broader base to the concept of Samajwadi Party. Then he must understand and history of  socialist movement in India and imbibe its ethos.

The Socialist movement  started originally in the year 1934 when the Congress Samajwadi Party was established under the leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan. Acharya Narendra Dev was its first president. Since then Socialist ideology has been a part of Indian politics in some form or the other.


 Today there is no national or regional party which completely believes or adopts socialist ideology. Congress has left the path of socialism and forgotten Fabian Socialism of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru ,its tallest leader in independent India. Therefore, it is a very good opportunity for the Samajwadi Party  to assimilate the entire legacy of the Samajwadi movement under the leadership of Akhilesh Yadav.


However, to become the sole torch- bearer of socialist ideology, Samajwadi Party will have to do certain  things which are truly imbued with social concern and foresight. Along with this, some theoretical and practical thinking will also have to be understood. With this, Akhlesh can fully connect with  the almost 100 -year old history of the Socialist movement in India.



. Samajwadi Party has till now considered only Dr. Lohia as its source of inspiration. But from Sardar Bhagat Singh to Chandrashekhar, there are many big names who have been associated with the socialist movement and who have refined and nurtured the socialist ideology. There is a need for the party to understand these things and talk about them.


 Samajwadi Party will have to shed its casteist image. Socialism is basically an economic mantra and caste politics is a distorted form of religion. Therefore, there is a need for the Samajwadi Party to take the proletariat class along with it and provide leadership to all deprived and disadvantaged sections of our society.


Akhlesh Yadav should identify good   people non_yadav communities and put on important posts, especially on visible positions and encourage them. By doing this, the opponents of Samajwadi Party will not get a chance to defame it by calling it a casteist party.


 Traditionally, Samajwadi Party is a backward class party originating from rural areas and there is no harm in it. This party gave leadership to those people who were not being taken seriously by other political parties. But now there is a need that the Samajwadi Party should not only talk about the village farmers but should also pay attention towards the urban labourers and all the people associated with the labour movement should be linked to the Samajwadi Party. Also, Samajwadi Party should state in its manifesto that we are not only with the agricultural farmers but also with the industrial workers in urban areas.(Words 630)



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