
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 11 January 2024

Dr. R. Valavan


In cold wave conditions it is a challenge to be in good health. As the winter season sets in, it brings with it a significant drop in temperatures, leading to the onset of a cold wave in North India. It is crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard our well-being during this period. As a homeopathic physician, I want to share some dos and don'ts to help you  navigate through the cold wave safely.



1. Bundle Up: Ensure to wear warm clothing, including layers, scarves, and hats, to protect yourself from the chilling temperatures.


2. Stay Hydrated: Despite the cold weather, it is essential to stay hydrated. Consume warm beverages, soups and lukewarm water to keep your body adequately nourished.


3. Maintain Indoor Temperatures: Keep your living spaces comfortably warm, especially during the night, to ensure a good night's sleep and protect against extreme cold.


4. Homeopathic First Aid: In case you experience common symptoms associated with the cold wave, consider the following over-the-counter homeopathic remedies:


   - Aconitum Napellus: Helpful for sudden onset of symptoms, especially when exposed to cold wind. Useful for symptoms like fever, anxiety, and restlessness.


   - Arsenicum Album: Recommended for colds with symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and a burning sensation in the nose.


   - Bryonia Alba: Useful for dry, hacking coughs and body aches worsened by movement. Suitable for individuals who prefer to stay still to alleviate discomfort.


   - Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Effective for flu-like symptoms with intense bone and muscle pains.


   - Allium Cepa: Ideal for colds with a runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing.



1. Avoid Prolonged Exposure: Minimize outdoor activities, especially during early mornings and late evenings when the cold is most intense.


2. Say No to Cold Foods: Limit the intake of cold foods and beverages, as they can exacerbate cold-related symptoms.


3. Neglecting Symptoms: If you experience any symptoms such as persistent cough, fever, or respiratory distress, do not hesitate to seek medical attention promptly.


Your health is of utmost importance   and if   you  follow these guidelines you will stay strong against the cold wave and enjoy a warm and healthy winter season.



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