
Today’s Edition

New  Delhi, 3 January 2024

P. P. Wangchuk

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Once again, it is the time to say Happy New Year to each and everyone. A New Year raises many hopes and aspirations. And the good thing is that some of us leave behind forever certain bad memories as a thing of the past. And yet, some others recall happy memories that they had in the last 12 months.

Let us remind ourselves that a New Year comes with many good and bad tidings. And yet, as they say, it offers one a clean slate to write upon one’s destination afresh and make it a successful one.

What is the foremost thought that comes to one’s mind each New Year? For many of us, it is the framing of new resolutions that need to be worked on meticulously and religiously. Many of them are not realised, and are ‘carried forward’!

One such resolution that most of us make is: How to remain happy despite many difficulties coming our way. Each one of us has different ‘means’ to achieve success and remain happy. For me, there are several factors that could make or mar the New Year. One such important factor is to be a good human being. Now, to be a good being, there are many conditions one has to adhere to, which is a fairly difficult objective, but surely not impossible.


The India we look for

The USD 45 trillion target for India’s economy is coming much earlier than expected and predicted by experts in recent months. The broking major, CSLA, says that India will emerge as the world’s largest economy in 2052. And in 2027, India will become the third largest economy after America and China, respectively. Right now, the US economy is estimated to be around USD 26.9 trillion and China’s around USD 17.7 trillion. The report says India may have somewhat of a slowdown in the fiscal 2024, with 6.4% growth, but a reversal will take place in 2025, with 6.5% or more growth.

The momentum will pick up in 2026 fiscal with GDP growth at 7.5%, according to the report. Not that countries like the US and China will stop growing, they will continue to grow but at a very slow pace, and, at times, they will have recessions. For example, America has experienced several recession-like cycles over the last several years, and China’s is a static and falling economy!


Americans’ happiness index

More and more Americans are now of the view that happiness is money and money is happiness. A recent report by Empower’s Financial Happiness says that 60% of Americans believe that happiness depends on a certain level of money, and the price target they have put is USD 1.2 million per annum. Most of them think that they did not have that kind of money for today’s comfort, not to mention retirement facilities when they would need them the most. High cost of living and big aspirations were the determining factors.


Die with zero!

The books that I read are mostly non-fiction and about life and its improvement so that I not only learn many things but also strengthen my aspiration to live happily and with dignity. The book, Die with Zero, by American tycoon Bill Perkins is exactly that kind of book that tells you how to get the most of life before bidding it adieu. One lifetime is too short a time to discover everything but one must try to go for everything that is fascinating and enjoyable, but with a righteous conviction.

Those who have read the book will admit that we can gain a lot from it because it aims at transforming our lifestyles and the way we think. It is great to have tonnes of money but it is no use of being rich unless you use it to enjoy life to the fullest. Money has to be for you, instead of you being for the money!



Life is like hard-earned money that needs to be spent carefully and wiselyfor a good and purposeful reason.


Dr. P. P. Wangchuk is a New Delhi-based Editor-at-large, columnist and professional speaker.

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