
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 19 January 2024

Dr P P Wangchuk

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Life and death are my main concerns, and hence my favourite topics to think about every day. Every time I think of life, I think of happiness and death. The reason being that happiness is crucial to both life and death. A happy life is a necessity for a quiet and comfortable death.

Therefore, our stress in life has to be about happiness on a war-footing. Nothing good can happen until you are in a state of happiness. One of the things that I remind myself quite often is that being happy could mean many things; and one of them is that you are all set to begin a journey of purpose.

But our objective here is only one aspect, that of highlighting the importance of happiness in life. Without happiness, life is like having no purpose or mission which necessarily leads to a miserable and destructive journey. Happiness is the key to any kind of success and the saddle to your ultimate journey in life.

Happiness does not come on its own. We need to cultivate it. And there are many ways, small and big. Small experiences of good deeds on a daily basis are the most satisfying ones. After a gap of time, these very small experiences of good deeds accumulate into a great deed that gets you happiness unbound.

You know that many things happen to you every day. Each one of those things can be a source of happiness if you can handle them well and positively.

But, for all this, you need to understand and know yourself well, your ability and your energy. Energy here means your willingness and your innate capability to surmount difficulties on the way to your progression.

Finally, let us quote Anna Howard Shaw, an  American activist: “To live joyfully, I wake up every morning with a great desire to live joyfully.” Surely, nothing will work until you choose to be happy!

Courtesy: Wong world(Words 300)

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