
Today's Edition

New Delhi, 24 April 2024

Prof Pradeep Mathur

A person with white hair and glasses

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“When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.” 

Smile if something is lost, maybe the one who was destined for it has found it.

Smile if someone's heart is broken. To mend someone else, you may have to break someone else. Maybe if there is still some pain in your heart then share it and smile. And if there is more happiness in your heart then repeat the same process.

Smile if you get frustrated thinking again and again that this could have been better, this could have been better, think what would have happened if this could have been worse.

Smile if you have a roof over your head, clothes on your body, and food on your plate, if you have more than required then distribute it and come home.

Smile when someone asks what is the point of living life. Smile politely by saying that we have learned to smile from life.

Smile, if you have lost somewhere today then maybe someone needed the victory more than you.

Smile: If early in the morning you are woken up by an alarm clock, mobile phone, chirping of birds or other noise, be happy and consider yourself lucky. Many people probably won't wake up today.

Smile if you receive text messages and calls from friends inviting you to dine together or spend time with friends. Someone may just be yearning for a good friend.

Smile if sometimes, some people speak ill of you or gossip behind your back. It means that you are still a very important person in their hearts. They are not doing as well in life as you. And perhaps he would get pleasure by speaking ill of you.

Smile if you're worried about being overweight, you're eating great, and your food is delicious and full of nutrients. Someone might have been hungry for a long time.

Smile if you have crossed 65 then be happy and content. According to a world survey, only 8 out of 100 people live beyond 65 years.

Smile, smile, even if you must walk miles and miles.


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