
Today’ Edition

New Delhi, 22 May 2024

Amitabh Srivastava


Post the revelations of the after effects of AstraZeneca that produced Covishield vaccine in India the company has withdrawn its vaccine from the market.

But here in this blessed country the government keeps on defending the vaccine saying that only in some cases there were side-effects. We all know how many deaths were classified as heart attacks or due to other commorbities to avoid giving high compensations in India.

Article at a Glance


The article discusses the controversy surrounding the Covishield vaccine and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The author criticizes the ICMR for focusing on trivial matters, such as the recommended daily intake of tea, while not providing adequate information about the side-effects of Covishield.

The author also raises questions about the role of the former Health Minister, Dr. Harshvardhan, and expresses concern about the government's handling of the vaccine's after-effects. The article ends with a humorous note, comparing the ubiquity of "chai paani" (bribes) in Indian politics, regardless of whether the country is referred to as India or Bharat.

Even well-known Bollywood celebrities like Shreyas Talpade have started raising questions about the heart attack he suffered after the vaccine.

We don't know why Dr.Harshvardhan then Health Minister was totally side lined during the Corona crisis. And now he has reportedly quit the BJP.

Under these circumstances the priorities of the Indian Council of Medical Research has (ICMR) has come under the lens.

Interestingly, the same ICMR has recently come on hard on a research on the other vaccine Covaxin funded by the BHU.

Following is a small commentary on what the top medical body of the country is upto in such such crisis situation.


So it's International T-Day

Thank God it's not D-Day

ICMR tells us how much T

Is Good for us or Caffeine

But the advise was GFNS

(Good For Nothing Stupid)

Be'cauz after all calculations

We r told that 3 cups/day is OK

Who wants more in the sweltering summers anyway

Most of such info is like AI

Not needed but thrust on us

Hoping some of it will rub in

Who invented the Tea

Should not be a secret now

Ask Google Baba

This Baba remains uncaged

So far

But my Dad told me that

Dr.Johnson counted his Tea

Not by Cups but by Kettles

But then there was no ICMR

Thank God

Had they told us so much

About Covishield

As they are now talking

About Covaxin

They would not be ICMR

But back to T Point

'Chai pe charcha'

Is out of fashion now

Now they calculate

'Chai pe Kharcha'

When they discuss bills of

Expenses of poll candidates

What has remained

Unchanged throughout

Is 'Chai Paani ho jaye'

It's one lubricant

That keeps the system

Working without stop


What's there in a name anyway?


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