
Today's Edition

New Delhi, 5 December 2023

Amitabh Srivastava

The botched up operation of our best known security organisation RAW in as exposed by the Biden Administration has created an unprecedented embarrassment to India.

So much so that for the first time RAW has had to close its offices in the USA after 1969 and there is no clear statement from the top Indian leadership if it has blood on its hands.

All its efforts to prove the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau a liar seem to have boomeranged on its head.

In fact the chargesheet filed in the US against Gupta shows that had the US security not intervened we would have seen a series of killings of Sikh leaders in the US and Canada as revealed by the conversation of Nikhil Gupta the Indian connection who is now in Czech custody.

This unknown Gupta is believed to be a drug dealer based in Delhi who wanted to kill the Canadian target Nijjar personally as his conversation with secret agents confirms.

The claims of Gupta of knowing the highest authorities in the Indian echelons is confirmed by the fact that DGP of Gujarat now asserts that there is no case against him in Gujarat.

This was part of the deal when he was asked by the Indian official to finish off the targets marked by them.

Till Gupta is extradited to the US we have to believe his conversation with the US under cover agents where he has said that once Gurparat Pannum of 'Sikhs for Justice' just escaped, was finished off there would be more targets,at least two to three per month.

With elections due both in the US and India in 2024 it would be interesting to unravel the strategy planned by the Indian Chanakya under whom the NSA and RAW function.

While it had been widely speculated that before the 2024 elections in India there would be a big operation to boost the nationalist fervour we had no idea it would be so weird and outlandish.

But now it appears there could be an unexpected side effect of this targeting of Sikhs on the prospects of Nikki Haley one of the strongest Indian American contenders for Trump's candidature in the Republican Party in case he is debarred by the law in view of several cases against him.

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