
Amitabh Srivastava

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New Delhi, 5 July 2024

The U.S.  is a mysterious and enigmatic country.

A country that has so much press freedom that the President is held guilty of hiding his appointment with his doctors is also a country where abortion has been banned!

This is the latest sting to hit Joe Biden who has been under fire for his mental and physical abilities after his first open debate with arch-rival Donald Trump last week.

But talking of contradictions the USA is the only country where people already know whether a court will punish Trump for his numerous misdeeds, including dealing with a porn star and personal corruption charges, or spare him. That's because the Judges in the country are nominated directly by the two political parties Republicans and Democrats and they stick to their loyalties.

No wonder despite so many charges Trump has so far not been debarred from contesting the Presidential elections at the end of this year.

Which is why the Democratic Party is in a state of panic.

Though Trump (78) and Biden(81) are almost the same age journalists and party leaders are now openly demanding that Biden be dropped and another candidate chosen to give Trump a proper fight whose second coming will be disastrous for the world, say experts.


Article at a Glance


The United States is a country of contradictions, where press freedom coexists with restrictions on abortion. The latest controversy surrounds President Joe Biden, who is facing scrutiny over his mental and physical abilities.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, despite numerous allegations, remains a strong contender for the presidency. The Democratic Party is in a state of panic, with some calling for Biden to be replaced by a new candidate.

A woman Democrat leader, such as Kamla Harris or Michelle Obama, is being considered as a potential opponent to Trump. However, Trump's influence remains strong, and his ability to make bold accusations, such as calling Biden a "Manchurian.


In a rare instance, when the speeches and impact of both Biden and Trump were judged by a set of 12 journalists in the New York Times there was not a single vote for Biden even though none supported the policies of Donald Trump.

It is this situation that has opened up the debate for getting a woman Democrat leader to fight Trump.

Although the USA, the most powerful democracy in the world has a record of never electing a woman as president, the debate had begun.

The topmost name on the list is that of Indian origin Kamla Harris, who is currently the Vice President.

Observers say her record as VP has not been very impressive but given the conditions, she has to jump in the fray to save America.

Yet another name being mentioned is that of Michelle Obama, wife of former President Barack Obama but she appears reluctant to enter politics at the moment.

The plus point is that political writers mention that for the last few months, it has been Barack Obama who has been handling the affairs of Joe Biden and his say might weigh in more than anyone else.

There was a time when another Indian, Nikki Hailey was giving a tough fight to Donald Trump for a candidature in the Republican Party but she has given up.

The nearest woman who came to a fight for the top post was Hillary Clinton but she had her baggage.

However, Donald Trump, a rank outsider to politics beat her to the hustings by invoking the fear of terrorists and immigrants.

He still looms large over the political scenario in the USA and has so much guts that he can openly accuse Biden of being a Manchurian candidate and taking money from Russia in a widely televised TV debate.

A debate where Biden later confessed he dozed off as he was too tired and a jet lag.

That confession seems to have become his Nemesis!


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