About Us


Media Map website is a bilingual clearing house of quality media content. It seeks to address socially- conscious and concerned citizens from various fields like bureaucracy, academics, judiciary, diplomacy, public policy planning, science and technology, social work and the media world who are concerned about the state of our polity, society and economy.

The Objective

Media map aims to prepare present and future media audiences  to face new challenges that a technology-driven ecosystem is posing before them. This objective could be met by developing a first-rate media facility which will take into account the latest trends and activities in our developing society.

The Media Scenario

The press in a democracy enjoys the status of Fourth Estate and plays different roles in different situations. Such multiplicity of roles and diversity of popular expectations in a pluralistic democracy calls for a highly dynamic and socially-oriented media in keeping with our cultural heritage.

Good journalism has traditionally been characterized by three words. -- Free, Frank and Fearless. Since long news has been written and edited by   sincere and professionally honest journalists on the criteria of these three Fs. Now when the credibility of news media has touched rock bottom the three Fs are still being practiced but their definition has changed. Now they stand for Fake, Favorite and Frivolous.  All three are big threats to journalism.

While Fake news spreads falsehood and Favoritism kills objectivity, the very soul of news and truthful information, Frivolous news turns away serious and thinking people from news media threatening the quality of media audiences. And this is a major threat to the efforts of building an enlightened public opinion for proper governance in a society like ours in which large sections of people are making a determined effort to rise from ignorance, illiteracy and backwardness.

The Basic Issue

The professional education in India has unfortunately not enriched our society socially and culturally with the result that we have highly competent professionals with no understanding of social reality or larger concerns of the society we live in. Their ignorance and insensitivity towards issues of critical importance to the masses is too obvious to need elaboration.

We are aware of the fact that most of the competent professionals in our society are value neutral. Our  emphasis is  on the values of liberal democracy,  which in nutshell means social justice, equality before law, secular belief, constitutional governance, inclusive economic growth and scientific temper. To become a morden  nation state we have to strengthen our democratic structure and build a narrative on the Gandhian philosophy of “Antyodaya Se Sarvodaya”.

The Vision

The Media Map hopes to be a clearing house of ideas and concepts that make us better human beings with a broad vision, nonsectarian mindset, and humanitarian approach and a liberal-democratic temperament. All these personal attributed are enshrined in our political culture and social values and clearly laid out in our Constitution.

To be vibrant democracy need not only freedom of expression but also an enlightened public discourse focused on the issues that serve the larger interests of the masses. Media Map aspires to create an excellent environment for a scientific understanding of the entire range of social functions, process and issues that will lead to the growth and development of our society on right track in the larger interests of our country.

It will strive to  prepare future generationss who will clearly stand against feudal, revivalist, anti poor and authoritarian trends in our society and polity.

Mission Statement

Media map is a small but determined effort towards serious and objective writing in media so that the culture of a well-informed, rational and intelligent debate on public policy issues is strengthened in our society. We feel this is essential for the good of our people   and the speedy development of our country.

Media map seeks to promote a debate on ethical and moral questions in the world of media, especially news and social. It is a platform for crosscurrents of thinking, perception and idea on Media map in addressed practitioners as well as media audiences who consider media as an input in development and social education and not a means of entertainment alone.

Treasure Trove

Media Map website also seeks to be a treasure house of good media articles written from time to time on various issues of perennial interest to enlightened readers.

Media Think Tank

Unlike other areas of activity media is dynamic and ever-evolving as it moves with society which is ever changing. This calls for a continuing discourse on critical issues concerning as. For this The Media map.

The website will also function as a media think tank. It is hoped that its deliberations will provide useful leads  to  benefit our governance which has no system or source to get independent and unbiased policy inputs. The vested interests in bureaucracy and the corporate world give inputs which suits them and not the common man. An independent think tank on socio-economic issues is therefore a felt need to give right inputs to the administrators and influence government policy in the interest of the masses.

Mediamap is an Indian nonprofit news and views website which publishes in English and Hindi. It has been founded in the year 2023.

Owner: M.B.M. Foundation, New Delhi. 

Patron - R S Atroley

Executive Secretary - Rajiv Mathur 

Editor - Prof Pradeep Mathur

Chief Executive - Jagdish Gautam 

Headquarters: 2335-2, Sec-D, Basant Kunj, Delhi-110070

Executive Office: 70, Gyankhand -4, Indiarapuram, Ghaziabad-201014

What People Say About Us

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