Mission Statement

Media map is a small but determined effort towards serious and objective writing in media so that the culture of a well-informed, rational and intelligent debate on public policy issues is strengthened in our society. We feel this is essential for the good of our people   and the speedy development of our country.

Media map seeks to promote a debate on ethical and moral questions in the world of media, especially news and social. It is a platform for crosscurrents of thinking, perception and idea on Media map in addressed practitioners as well as media audiences who consider media as an input in development and social education and not a means of entertainment alone.

The Vision

The Media Map hopes to be a clearing house of ideas and concepts that make us better human beings with a broad vision, nonsectarian mindset, and humanitarian approach and a liberal-democratic temperament. All these personal attributed are enshrined in our political culture and social values and clearly laid out in our Constitution.

To be vibrant democracy need not only freedom of expression but also an enlightened public discourse focused on the issues that serve the larger interests of the masses. Media Map aspires to create an excellent environment for a scientific understanding of the entire range of social functions, process and issues that will lead to the growth and development of our society on right track in the larger interests of our country.

It will strive to  prepare future generationss who will clearly stand against feudal, revivalist, anti poor and authoritarian trends in our society and polity.

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