
Dr Smita Mathur

New Delhi | Thursday | October 24, 2024

This time the contest in the American Presidential election is very close and exciting. The main reason for this is the Electoral College system, in which the election results are not decided directly by the votes of the public, but by the votes of the electors elected by the states. In this election, the voting of 7 important states can prove to be decisive, because in these states the contest between the two candidates is very close.

Currently, Kamala Harris has 229 confirmed votes, while Donald Trump has 216 votes. 270 votes are required to become president, so every vote is very valuable for both candidates. Kamala Harris may gain an edge in the popular vote, but this does not guarantee her victory. If Kamala Harris wins in Pennsylvania (PA), Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina ( NC), then her victory can be considered almost certain. On the other hand, if Trump wins in North Carolina ( NC), Arizona ( AZ) and Pennsylvania ( PA), then the path to becoming president can also open for him.

There are three major issues in this election:

Article at a Glance

This time the US presidential election is very exciting and close, which is due to the electoral college system. Kamala Harris has 229 and Donald Trump has 216 sure votes, while 270 votes are required to win. Victory in important states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina can ensure the victory of any candidate.

The election has three main issues:

Economy: Trump is getting more support on this issue.

Immigration: Supporters consider Trump's policies better.

Reproductive rights: Harris has greater support among young people and women.

The election results will come in November, and many experts believe that the results of Pennsylvania and North Carolina will be decisive. The trend of Latino votes is also important in the election. If Harris wins, it will be a historic moment for America.

1. Economy: Donald Trump is considered to have an upper hand on the economy and he seems to be getting widespread public support on this issue.

2. Immigration: Trump's position is also strong on the issue of immigration. His supporters consider him better for his policies.

3. Reproductive rights: Kamala Harris is getting more public support on this issue, especially among youth and women.

This time public participation in the initial voting has increased significantly, but we may have to wait till mid-November for the final results. Many experts believe that the results of Pennsylvania and North Carolina will determine the winner of this election. At the same time, Trump's supporters believe that if he wins in Arizona, New Mexico and Georgia, his position will become stronger.

Some people have accurately predicted the results even without election surveys. They believe that Kamala Harris can win this time. Historian Alan Lichtman, who predicts elections based on 13 indicators, also says that Kamala Harris is more likely to win this time. He has been proven right in all his predictions so far. However, many media organizations believe that Trump also has a strong chance, and this time the battle cannot be completely ignored.

Now, with less than three weeks left for the election, voters are also playing an active role. Many are organizing "House Parties for Harris" and supporting voter registration drives at universities. However, there is still indecision among college students, and many of them do not seem very enthusiastic about voting. Similarly, people who do not have a college degree are also lacking electoral enthusiasm.

An important aspect of this election is the trend of Latino votes towards Trump. If this trend continues, it can prove to be a big advantage for Trump. The states marked in light brown on the election map are being called ' battleground states 'because the results of these states will decide the direction of this election. The states in blue are those where Kamala Harris is expected to win, while the states in red seem to be leaning towards Trump.

If Kamala Harris wins this election, it will be an important event in the history of America. She will become the first black immigrant woman president, which will mark an important change not only in American politics but also in society. On the other hand, if Trump wins, it will be a sign of public confidence in his policies.

As election day draws near, both the candidates are busy finalizing their strategies. The eyes of the entire country and the world are fixed on these results, and it will be interesting to see which way the outcome will turn. At this time, not only America, but the entire world is curious about the result of this election, because its impact will not be limited to America only, but it will also have an impact on global politics.


(The author is a Professor at James Madison University, USA.)

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