
Rich Tributes From Unexpected Quarters

A person wearing glasses and a red scarf

Description automatically generatedListening to tribute paid by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, I was taken aback. Here was a man, who left no stone unturned in criticizing and dare I say sometimes abusing Dr Manmohan Singh, paying such an appropriate homage to departed leader. In fact, every word PM Modi said was sharp, meaningful and described the man Dr Singh was. And humble too. In fact, it was heartening to hear him speak like that.

I had stopped listening to PM Modi when he started criticizing opposition, especially Nehru Gandhi family in the most inappropriate manner. Not just that, it was unfitting for a PM to use that kind of language, both inside and outside of the parliament.

I used to listen to PM Modi in 2013 when he was on campaign blitz, I thought there was an element of spiritual depth in his speeches. His energy always impressed me. It does even today. He is untiring. But then slowly, his speeches both inside n outside parliament started getting visceral. They were becoming toxic. I wouldn’t listen to him at all. There wasn’t anything new he would say. Just the usual toxic criticism of Nehru Gandhi family. BJP also picked up the clue and all spokespersons started talking like that. Very toxic.


Column at a Glance
Listening to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tribute to former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was surprising, given Modi's previous criticisms of Singh. His heartfelt homage highlighted Singh's character and humility, which was refreshing to hear.
Monday Musing
By Shikha Tyagi
However, this moment made me reflect on the overall tone of Modi's speeches, which have increasingly become toxic, particularly towards the Nehru-Gandhi family. While Modi's energy and spiritual depth were once appealing, his rhetoric has shifted to visceral attacks that have permeated public discourse, as noted by my house help, who observed a decline in politeness since Modi's rise to power.
Despite Modi's ability to articulate appropriate sentiments on certain occasions, there remains a disconnect between his words and the actions of his party, which often fosters division. For a lasting legacy, Modi must differentiate between constructive criticism and harmful rhetoric, especially regarding his political opponents.


This morning, my house help who is in her fifties, illiterate but worldly wise commented on Dr Manmohan Singh. She remarked that during his tenure, nobody used foul language, nobody indulged in any name calling whether in public or indoors. In fact, she said earlier people/ family members used to be polite and respectful {rightly or wrongly, she was attributing this to Dr MMS} but ever since Modi has come to power, people have become loud and foul ! I was surprised as this has been my observation too. BJP spokesperson’s toxicity and now reactions of opponents has entered our homes via the television news channels.

PM Modi’s tribute to Dr MMS got me thinking and I must say that this thought had crossed my mind earlier too. I have found PM saying very appropriate things on most occasions. But there is always a disconnect between what he says and what party does on the ground, which has been indulging in othering of minorities, destroying the social fabric, local thanas being remotely controlled by junior functionaries of RSS who take PM Modi’s criticism of opposition as gospel truth and they take it to ground and deal with any contrary view in the same manner and spirit in which PM Modi speaks of opposition. What they fail to realize, and I don’t blame them for it, is that PM Modi has compartmentalized his mind. While one compartment is for addressing political rallies, another part of him is carrying out his duties as Prime Minister and he says what any responsible PM would be saying. While at political rally, Parliament too is part of that, where he addresses masses and his political workers, he carries out his shrill, emotional campaign against his opponents which generates emotional response and connect with audience whereas on other nonpolitical occasions within govt or outside, he speaks like an experienced Statesman. His policies are inclusive. It is just that the masses and political workers tend to take his public addresses on face value and vitiate the atmosphere.

I wonder what kind of legacy Prime Minister Narendra Modi would like to leave. If he wishes to be remembered in posterity for his work, he will have to abandon his unnecessary critic of opposition, specially of Nehru Gandhi heritage. He will have to draw a line between criticism and abuse.


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