
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 22 April 2024

Indu Rani Singh

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There is a story about Lord Buddha which is as relevant today as it was then. One day one of his disciples Anand came back and complained that people were not ready to accept his teachings. He said that they were abusing him when he went to spread the message of Buddhism.

Lord Buddha asked him to bring that person to him. Looking at his emaciated and skinny appearance he asked his disciples to give him a bath, clean clothes and offer him a proper meal.

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The story of Lord Buddha and his disciple Anand teaches us the importance of empathy and understanding when spreading wisdom. Similarly, Prayas, a home for orphaned children, has been practicing this philosophy since its inception in 1988. They have been providing shelter, food, and training programs for these children, who have lost their parents in a devastating fire in Jahangirpuri.

 Prayas has partnered with the Delhi Shramik Vidyapeeth, which was later renamed Jan Shikshan Sansthan in 2009, a skill development scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India. It is a leading institution for the empowerment of the socio-economic educational backwards communities across the nation based on interlaced promotion of basic education and vocational training of the target beneficiaries.

The skilling program is specially designed to cater to the needs of the youth and women of the community in critical circumstances. Under the auspices of Jan Shikshan Sansthan Prayas, Samastipur an array of vibrant components of literacy, vocational education, life skill development with enrichment, livelihood promotion and placement, entrepreneurship and market support have been promoted for the youth and women of the disadvantaged communities. Through convergence, it has succeeded in establishing the forward linkage of adult and vocational training with customary built approaches. Since the launching of the program/ scheme at Samastipur in the year of 2009 a total of 26,233 beneficiaries have been covered and extended multiple livelihood promotion skills and trainings in the pursuit of Skill India Vision.

Education is a liberating force that bolsters societal development, holds chain values over the chronological development of civilization, and weaves the continuous fabric for the development of laws, ethics, and norms of society. It instills feelings of fostering cooperation among individuals, piloting innovations, and creating opportunities for the exchange of ideologies, revolution for self-invention, and building resilient communities that signify interpersonal respect and mutual understanding. Education is the biggest part of weaponry that can unleash boundless potential to militate against the forces of discrimination and injustice, empowering individuals to attain recognition and fight against inequality for maintaining social changes and advocating policies and practices for integrated social development.


When he had his fill Lord Buddha invited him and explained his philosophy.

The man gratefully accepted all his wisdom and thanked him for giving him such wonderful lessons of life.

That is one lesson Prayas has practised right from its inception. When it was set up in 1988 in Jahangirpuri it had 25 inmates who were orphans who had lost their parents in the devastating fire in Jehangirpuri.

Once the arrangement for shelter and food for them had been arranged Prayas roped in the Delhi Shramik Vidyapeeth to start a training program for these children whose numbers had started increasing.

This body had been set up by an Act of Parliament in 1967 which was functioning under the Ministry of HRD but it was by and large meant for the very basic and primitive sections of society.

This means that there was no minimum qualification for the trainees and they were trained in the homes or places where they lived. This was known as the Doorstep delivery methodology.

In 2009 the Shramik Vidyapeeth today the Jan Shikshan Sansthan is a skill development scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India and is a leading and highly successful institution for the empowerment of the socio-economic educational backwards communities across the nation based on interlaced promotion of basic education and vocational training of the target beneficiaries.

The skilling program is specially designed to cater to the needs of the youth and women of the community in critical circumstances. 

Under the auspices of Jan Shikshan Sansthan Prayas, Samastipur an array of vibrant components of literacy, vocational education, life skill development with enrichment, livelihood promotion and placement, entrepreneurship and market support have been promoted for the youth and women of the disadvantaged communities. Through convergence, it has succeeded in establishing the forward linkage of adult and vocational training with customary built approaches. Since the launching of the program/ scheme at Samastipur in the year of 2009 a total of 26,233 beneficiaries have been covered and extended multiple livelihood promotion skills and trainings in the pursuit of Skill India Vision. That aside, under the fulcrum of the Sansthan a range of other skilling programs have been successfully launched and completed i.e. PMKVY and a large number of activities have been organized in the remote community areas of the district to spread awareness about the marginalised communities about multiple live social issues.


Since then all our homes for children in the 11 states/UTs where we have our branches have a special focus on increasing the educational and skilling qualifications not only of the children but of the elderly members of the community.

Education is the critical mechanism to attain enduring changes through insights, emotions and behaviour of an individual through a range of accessible measures and knowledge advancements.

In between the existing scale of diversity and constancy changes of the world, education designates the higher binary of values that stands to amplify the echoes of redemption to set the motion for inclusive social, cultural and economic promotion of the individuals and society and it also notes about the distinctions of interpretations towards advancing the approach to break the barriers of social, economic and cultural disadvantages across the multiple social landscapes. It is essence to mention that education is the liberating force that bolsters the mannerism of societal development and it holds the chain values over the chronological development of civilization it also weaves the continuous fabric for the development of laws, ethics and norms of society. Notably, on the one hand, educating aware individuals about their rights and responsibilities allows them to chase their passion and goals; it instils the feelings of fostering cooperation among individuals through its latent potency for a progressive society, piloting innovations and creating opportunities for the exchange of ideologies, revolution for self- invention through interoperability of individuals and societies of multiple social sprawling through self-commitments and more granular key concerns on the other.

In the domains of the accessibility of opportunities, education has key concern for the out-of-box passion opening serialised avenues for the skills essential for employment, thoughts to distil perfections in the decision-making process and confidence-building measures for self and societies.

Education is the vehicle that guides self-development and it mostly encourages the curious terns of criticality in action and broadens the horizon of sensed self-understanding to establish their roles in the family and society garnering the self-competitiveness and the quantum of self-compatibility to harness their full potential and perspective. It is the vital force that induces tolerance and deep understanding of the society that draws closer to the expanding world raising interconnectedness over global awareness and multilateral exchange of information and ideas.  Education is the biggest part of weaponry that can unleash boundless potential to militate against the forces of discrimination and injustice paving hallways for empowerment of the individuals to attain recognition to fight against inequality for maintaining social changes and advocating policies and practices for integrated social development.  Education in inclusive gesture is the ultimate pillar structure of the equitable society through a range of experimentations over ensuring the inclusion of all driving opportunities for the accession of entitlements of the individuals through quality education and building of resilient communities that signify interpersonal respect and mutual understanding. 



 Likewise, to ensure the significance of education students may have a wide open opportunity to think critically and raise curiosity overall it widely interprets the validity of reasons over the ill- practices in society and hence they elevate themselves to understand better the difference between aesthetics and hatred in life... passion and stoicism in human behaviour making them a robust decision making individuals who care to advance the flow of emotional actions for the self-benefits and effectiveness for welfare of the others. Beyond the algorithms of academic achievements, education deeply motivates self-development and respective self-innovations for the best interest of deeper communities in deprivation and the inclusion of endurance perspective and promotion of more compassion for an inclusive view towards the world.

In total, education is not merely bound to the periphery of gaining knowledge and skills but it shapes individuals in such a way that can induce them to contribute significantly towards society, making informed decisions and acting as the maverick of ethical values and social explorations making them as the aware citizenry of a nation and they can weave a series of achievements and history on the social fabric of society influencing the participatory activism and aspirations. Education is the pioneer and major tool for enabling social changes and the potential of transforming individuals fostering active participation and promoting understanding of the complex issues about individuals and societies.

It stands in need to mention that education has a significant role in economic development and it equips the individuals with the needed skill and productivity ushering the way out for the advanced innovations for a better and peaceful world.

Education has unmatched potential to change the mindset of the world but still, there have been several barriers that prevent equal access to it by a major portion of the individuals of society. Uniquely, it has a stance to mention that issues like gender inequality, poverty and the absence of resources need to be addressed urgently for education to become the pillar of social change. 

In the dynamic existing world, the interplay between education and skill development is more critical than ever considering the other cutting-edge domains through multiple approaches. It is important to mention that we nosedive through the time corridor of unprecedented change, so a vigorous need for a robust foundation that fosters a wide trajectory of skill has become a leading need for a decent generation of income for youth and women. Today education is efficiently recognized for its role in integrated community development, creating groundbreaking approaches for skill development and presently it is not only a token of acceptance regarding intellectual capabilities it is also a spectrum of skills that are necessary for social and economic pace in life. Hence, education is not only symbolized by imparting knowledge but, today it is also about unlocking the potential within each individual. To pursue enhanced outcomes, education is essential for skill development as this equips people with the tools, they need to achieve success and contribute meaningfully to society with remedial approaches in the creation of a developed society based on the merger of education and skill development carving for the youth and women specially belonging to the underprivileged communities. Hence, to reverberate the present skill development scenario we find that education remains a cornerstone for individual empowerment and promotion of society.   

In light of the above-mentioned facts, Jan Shikshan Sansthan is a skill development scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India and the Sansthan is a leading and highly successful institution for the empowerment of the socio-economic educational backwards communities across the nation based on interlaced promotion of basic education and vocational training of the target beneficiaries. The skilling program is specially designed to cater to the needs of the youth and women of the community in critical circumstances. 

 Under the auspices of Jan Shikshan Sansthan Prayas, Samastipur an array of vibrant components of literacy, vocational education, life skill development with enrichment, livelihood promotion and placement, entrepreneurship and market support have been significantly promoted for the youth and women of the disadvantaged communities. Through convergence, it has succeeded in establishing the forward linkage of adult and vocational training with customary built approaches. Since the launching of the very program/ scheme at Samastipur in the year of 2009 a total of 26233 beneficiaries have been covered and extended multiple livelihood promotion skills and trainings in the pursuit of Skill India Vision. That aside, under the fulcrum of the Sansthan a range of other skilling programs have been successfully launched and completed i.e. PMKVY and a large number of activities have been organized in the remote community areas of the district to aware the deeper communities over the multiple live social issues.


(Author introduction: The author is  Executive Director of Prayas, an NGO.)


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