
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 22 January 2024

Atul Cowshish


Narendra Modi’s mesmerizing oratory is said to be unparalleled, but perhaps he is even more adapt at playing the emotional card. . But if you are among those who are

 not part of the crowd of blind Bhakts, you would notice he actually uses his thespian act to hide reality .

Such thoughts agitated one’s mind after watching a video clip on the digital platform that showed the prime minister in a Maharashtra town choking as he said how he envied the lucky ones who have been allotted modest flats the like of which he had envied as a child spent in a humble Gujarati household.


Mr Modi should accept with grace certain realities that have shaped with time; about five decades ago not many were able to afford even a modest flat. There is nothing to feel envious about people moving into modest flats from their more humble dwellings.

Modi gets so carried away by the concocted story of his life that he ends up saying contradictory things. He hopes and knows that nobody would dare challenge him . One can recall that not so long ago, the social media unveiled a two-storey house in Vadnagar (Gujarat) and described it as Modi’s ancestral house. It certainly did not look like a poor man’s house.

Modi himself said somewhere that his house was large enough to play host to many neighbours, including a Muslim family which acknowledged the fact from faraway Australia where it has moved. Of course, there were some words of advice for Mr Modi on his outlook on the minority community!

 The problem is that nobody questions him, and no attempt is made to remind him of his several promises to the people.

Two facts that have been totally eclipsed in the craze to portray Modi as larger than life are that at the time of his birth his caste was not counted as OBC; that happened much later .


 Secondly; railway platform tea-stall owners did not exactly fall in the category of the poor. The proprietorship of the stalls came after bidding. It is, however, true that family members of the tea stall owner would help in running business. Young Modi might have shown more interest in running the chai business than studies and, in any case, he left his family for a different life in the Himalayan surroundings.



The problem why Modi always gets away with untruths is that nobody questions him even when what he says looks glaringly untrue. On top of it, no attempt is ever made to remind him about ‘promises’ he has made to the people-- almost none of which got fulfilled.

Juggling with statistics is a favourite pastime of the present dispensation. Who says the GDP progress is tardy, unemployment is high and price rise in going out of control? The government figures can be skewed to show otherwise and if that does not work, there is the easy option of blaming a whole host of factors and personalities—from Jawaharlal Nehru to Urban Naxals and ‘conspiracies’ hatched abroad—even by countries that we swear are friends.

 India’s relations with almost all its neighbours are rather in a poor state and ties with the Big Powers are delicately poised but Narendra Modi's India has emerged as the Vishwaguru!


The tactic he uses to divert attention from his failed promises is to arrange the spotlight on some ‘event’ or make an even more outlandish promise. Helped considerably by his propaganda and publicity machine, Modi is able to sell one dream after another and the timeline for fulfilling them may be set so distant that there will be no one around to hold Modi to account.



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