
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 13 March 2024

Bharat Jain


In the past few years, it has been heard repeatedly in India that democracy is in danger. The reality is that the system which is currently called democracy is dying all over the world. In the history of the world, three institutions have developed almost simultaneously – nation, capitalism and democracy. These three complement each other. It is necessary to understand the closeness of nationalism, capitalism and democracy. After the democratic revolution in France in 1789, only 15% of the population got the right to vote and similar was the situation in England and the United States. In America, blacks got the right to vote only about 60 years ago.

The theory of nation also developed because the capitalists needed a large area of ​​land and population with a safe environment governed by certain rules and regulations for expansion. This population was emotionally aroused in the name of nation and nationalism  and misled in the name of democracy. Actually, nationalism and democracy are two arms of capitalism.

The foundation of democracy is considered to have been laid with the French Revolution and the end of England's rule in America, although even before this, some signs of democratic system existed in England, but it was an informal system and not under any written constitution.

Today America is the self-proclaimed guardian of democracy in the world and the bastion of capitalism, but in the last few years, China has increasingly challenged America's dominance and terrorist organizations have exposed its weakness to the world.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and Iraq's humiliating defeat in the Gulf War, America became the sole superpower. Almost the entire world, including the most populous countries like China and India, had accepted capitalism and it seemed that there was no alternative to democracy and capitalism in the entire world.

Just a decade later, in September 2001, terrorist attacks on America forced America to launch a military attack on Afghanistan. About 20 years ago, America forced the Soviet Union to intervene in Afghanistan, which ended in the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This time, despite spending trillions of dollars in war in 20 years, America was forced to return home like a cat. This is America's biggest defeat. After this, America has to challenge China to prove its supremacy. For that it has taken the guise of democracy. 'QUAD' has been formed with the cooperation of India, Japan and Australia and 'AUKUS' has been formed with the cooperation of England and Australia. On the other hand a front has been opened against Russia in Ukraine.

The situation is at a crucial juncture but perhaps the balance is against America. The majority of the low-income population in almost all countries of the world is not happy with democracy and capitalism.. Just as terrorism arose to fight the superpower America, similarly the capitalists will soon have to face some violence arising from the anger of the poor class. Democracy, which was actually a way for the emerging middle class to share power, will no longer be able to fool the poor.

The capitalist powers have realized this crisis, that is why regressive and anti-change forces are organizing themselves all over the world, somewhere in the name of religion and somewhere in the name of nationalism. They seem to be becoming more vocal and powerful than before, but this should be understood as the flame becoming brighter only once before it gets extinguished.

The definition of democracy given by Abraham Lincoln was, “Democracy is a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Now a majoritarian system has been formed for a long time and the rich people in power are somehow succeeding in getting the majority and are fulfilling their self-interests. After the modern digital revolution, it has become easier to bend public opinion in one's favour and gain a majority. Social media gives the impression that media has been democratized, but in the words of famous thinker Noam Chomsky, "it is being used like manufacturing consent." Before today, slavery used to be on the body through political control, but now with the help of digital technologies, the process of enslaving thoughts through algorithms has started. But the hunger of the stomach and the increasing capture of capital by a small class cannot be hidden for long. It has not been possible for the democratic system to deny the bitter truth from time to time merely in the name of so-called freedom of voting.

The world is once again in a transition period like in the 18th century and Western capitalism and China's so-called communism will no longer be able to solve the problem. In history, the direction is certain but the time and cycle of events are not known in advance. At present the direction is definitely indicating a major change.

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