
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 16 May 2024

Prabhjot Singh


Do we change with the times? This is a million rupee question that has been agitating our minds for a long time. South Asia in general and India in particular has been through trying times. Countries like Sri Lanka and Pakistan have been rocked not only by fiscal outbursts but also by severe political upheavals.

Rocked by severe financial crisis, some of the South Asian nations were pushed to the brink. Afghanistan was no better. Though India did not face any serious fiscal crisis, it had to fight its own problems of inflation, corruption, unemployment, drugs and social disorders. Brain and brawn drains got accelerated.

Article at a Glance


The article discusses the challenges faced by South Asian countries, including India, in managing their human resources amidst economic and political crises. Despite facing inflation, corruption, and social disorders, India has failed to address the issue of brain drain, with trained professionals leaving the country for better opportunities abroad.

However, those who venture out for greener pastures often find themselves in hot water due to inflation, unemployment, and growing anti-migrant sentiments. The author suggests that it is time for serious introspection and for those who wish to go abroad to receive basic training and grooming to respect the laws of their new lands. The world is changing, and nations are no longer dumping grounds for ruffians and those who disrespect the law.

Instead of arresting the trend of keeping its trained human resource, including doctors, engineers, technocrats, besides its rapidly swelling workforce force, both skilled and unskilled, Indian politicians surprisingly paid little or no attention to its human resource management. Outflow of brain drain in recent years is not without without outflow of capital, both hard currency and also the ill gotten money.

The US dollar has breached past 80-rupee mark while the gold is hovering around 70k for 10 grams. Many nations, because of growing conflicts the world over, have been consolidating their gold reserves. Though outflow of human resource, both skilled and unskilled, has been continuing unabated, those venturing out for green pastures in the western world find themselves in hot waters because of inflation, growing unemployment as the global chorus of condemning migrants has been growing louder by days.

Instead of learning our lessons and making efforts to adjust to new work and social environs overseas, our new young ambassadors are increasingly getting named in antisocial and unlawful activities to bring a bad name to their predecessors. It is time for serious introspections. Those who want to go abroad should have no inhibitions but only after  the basic training and grooming to respect the laws of their new lands of abode.  Earlier, our students almost burnt their boats in Australia. The World is changing now. There are now many options for the developing nations to source their workforce. Law abiding workforce may soon be  the only option for settling abroad as nations are no more dumping grounds for ruffians and those who have no respect for laws of the land.


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