
Today's Edition

New Delhi, 13 December 2023

CBSE Schedule

Rama Saharia

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The CBSE has announced the schedule of examinations and lakhs of students,their teachers and parents are now in alert mode.  True the annual examinations are here and along with this is the examination fever. Many students get headaches, stomach upsets, nausea, blackouts and delusions before or during examinations and for no known reason a few even faint.

This “ epidemic” affects almost all types of students, the good , bad and the best. Even regular students earning various distinctions are known to get nightmares of being unsuccessful. For examinations are a test not only of knowledge acquired but of the ability to make proper use of the knowledge stored in the brain.

 Pep pills, sleeping pills, all kind of pills, tea, coffee, cigarettes, pan, tobacco and other beverages are used to fight the examination tension. Doctors try to treat patients but without success. Then once the examinations are over the “epidemic” of the examination  fever disappears.

Apart from regularity of study, there are a number of steps students can take to reduce the chances of being afflicted by examination fever. Self-reliance is the first step, and this attribute one has to make an effort over the years to imbibe. It means independence from spoon-feeding.

 Frequently students complain that certain questions asked them in examinations were not taught in class, and this has led to slogans, walkouts and agitations. While the school, college or university tries to teach as much as possible from the course, it is the duty and right of the student to look up the course of study and prepare his subjects regardless of what is or is not taught. This apart, it is the duty of the student to find out what to read and from where; no teacher however conscientious can be a substitute for this.

Secondly, self-control and self-discipline are essential if we want to ward off examination fever. Study, like everything else, is best pat sued if it is planned.

Thirdly, self-confidence is necessary. All the great lives have had one thing in common, namely, the will to win and the confidence of winning. If you have the will, you will find the way. Once you set yourself a goal-like passing the examination in the first division-and convince yourself that you are going to achieve it, you will find that you get the ideas and the means to reach that goal.

Examination fever frequently afflicts those who lack this will. There is also a class of students who have the opposite conviction, namely, that examinations are an insurmountable hurdle. If you have this dangerous conviction, you are sure to be struck down by examination fever. But there is a dangerous variant of self-confidence which can prove disastrous. It is the feeling frequently voiced by students that everybody is bound to get through. It leads to a kind of false optimism and dangerous inertia, which makes you a do-nothing student. But even this is preferable to the dangerous lack of confidence of some others that examinations are a big and insurmountable hurdle, for the student who has this lack of confidence not only fails to overcome the hurdle but suffers the pangs of examination fever.


  1. Epidemic affects most classes of students, the good, bad and the best
  2. There are a number of steps students can take to reduce the chances of being afflicted by examination fever.
  3. Self-control and self-discipline are essential if we want to ward off examination fever.
  4. Like every battle, passing an examination has to be planned.
  5. One should draw up a detailed plan of study for about a month immediately preceding the examinations.
  6. An 18-hour working day except in an emergency is a fool's conception of hard work.


Like every battle, passing an examination has to be planned. From one's study during the year, one should take down points in a small notebook to be gone through hurriedly at examination time or just before it to ensure that no valuable point is missed. In the higher classes there is usually a preparation leave of about a month before major examinations. But whether there is a preparation leave or not, one should draw up a detailed plan of study for about a month immediately preceding the examinations. In drawing up such a plan, it is important to remember that studying the subjects one by one is less profitable than studying them together. If you reserve the first week for chemistry, the second for physics, and so on, the danger is that by the time the examinations start you will have forgotten much of the chemistry you learnt. Divide the day between segments each meant for a different subject.

Relaxation is a part of study. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. A long spell of study broken up by short breaks for listening to the news, chatting to friends and relations, or playing football is likely to be much more profitable than a spell of unrelieved study several hours long. Give your mind a chance to digest what you have studied and to recover from the strain.

Rest is even more important than relaxation. It is mistaken assumptions that work without rest is a lot of work done. The fact is that if you do not have adequate rest the mind and bodywork only at less than full pace and capacity. Thus, never labour beyond your capacity; 18-hour working day except in an emergency, is a fool's conception of hard work. You may enable to pull it off for a day or two, but the fatigue accumulates and may get the better of you at a crucial time. Like the boy who studied day and night before his examinations and covered the whole course-then went to the examination hall and felt sleepy and weak and could not reproduce half the knowledge that he had accumulated in his brain.


Some important precautions which help a student. The room of study should be airy and with as little distractions as possible. It is false bravado that you can study even with people chattering, music blaring from loudspeakers or film magazines strewn all around you. It is also false bravado that you can do with anything to eat because you are 'so busy' in the study. Nourishing food is necessary.

Night before the examination, you should have your pens, pencils, erasers, scales, watch, handkerchiefs and all that you need in the examination hall ready and sharpened. You should also make a rehearsal of going to the examination hall a day in advance so that you know which hall and which seat is yours You should also make advance arrangements for your transport to the examination hall and start well in time to reach the hall at least 15 minutes before time. If you can do this, you are reasonably insured against examination fever.

(Words 1200)


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