
New Delhi, 25 October 2023

Army Navy Front-liners Military personnel or …

Nirmala Shahani

If the front liners Realised their Karmic cycle and put their weapons down. The world would not be at War.

What is the result of war - The world economy is tossed leaving behind deaths , orphans , widows , diseases and the list is endless.

The environment is polluted. There is deforestation which leads to drought. Besides excess of rainfall flooding, including risk to human life, damage to buildings and infrastructure, and loss of crops and livestock. landslides, which can threaten human life, disrupt transport and communications, and cause damage to buildings and infrastructure.

The effects of war include long-term physical and psychological harm to children and adults, as well as reduction in material and human capital.

Each and every front-liner has a thought process that they are the  Pandav’s  and  killing the Kaurav’s . But this is not the Treta Or Dwapar Yug. It’s Kalyug.

The world is at war why ? Becoz all want to fulfil their ego and call it as protection of their country and citizens of respective countries.

The super powers want to show their arms strength and do everything possible to shake the world.

What would you call this EVOLUTION or DEVOLUTION or Revolution ??

Did our scriptures teach us to live in disharmony ?? Did

Ram , Krishna , Allah , Jesus teach war or hatred. No, all taught to live in peace and harmony.

Some would argue on Kurukshetra war and relate to it. But Kurukshetra was for peace and harmony and to reinstate Dharma. The war was headed by Lord Krsna and all who were instrumental in the  Kurukshetra  battle , their soul was awakened and all the Gods were witnessing the war.

All religions have the same teachings of the Hindu Vedas.

The 4 Veda’s teach us Money is Green Energy, it teaches  us the way of life, to simplify in few words for common man:-

The Rig Veda taught us to bow our head down to lord almighty . It teaches us the importance of Religion.

The Yajur Veda teaches us to burn our ego,by performing Yagnas or Sacred Fires.

The Sam Veda teaches us the universal truth and spiritual evolution through Music.

Lastly  the Atharva Veda taught us how to perform our daily prayer rituals on birth and death. How to

Be stable on Planet Earth and it help the mind to solve problems.

Awaken your conscious and soul the front-liners , military personnel and all who are instrumental in carrying weapons.  The world needs peace.

World Needs Peace Serenity and Happiness NOT War.

Please note this is a view point for peace not any guidance.

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