March 8th is a day that can be considered an effort to create an identity for women—an effort dedicated solely to women rising above cultural, racial, linguistic, national, and political differences. It is a day filled with dedication to strengthening society, driven by emotions and the immense willingness of women to contribute. Women often remain behind the scenes, laying the foundation for their families while making invaluable contributions to society.
This day is the result of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and empowerment. Although laws have granted rights to women, society has yet to fully accept them. These rights include physical and mental autonomy, freedom from sexual violence, equal rights in holding public office, legal contracts and family law, the right to work, fair wages, and equal pay for equal work. The United Nations ensured the right to equality for every individual nearly 70 years ago. The East India Company granted women the right to education as early as 1854. However, a recent article in The New York Times revealed that the condition of women in the highly developed country of China is worse than in India. Due to a continuous decline in the youth population, Chinese leaders have ordered working women to leave their jobs and focus on childbirth. In China, women above the age of thirty are called 'Shengnu,' meaning "leftovers." Despite this, educated women there refuse to leave their jobs because, even after working, the responsibility of raising children still falls primarily on them. Similar to India, women in China earn 18 percent less than men.
Despite these challenges, women have continued to break barriers. Sunita Williams and Rekha Gupta are two such examples proving that, when given the opportunity, women are no less capable than men.
Some of the most pressing issues for women in India today include workplace equality, sexual harassment, lack of proper education, and the expectation of managing household responsibilities. These concerns must be addressed urgently.
It is also essential to implement laws designed for the protection of women, such as the Women's Safety Act (1961), the Prohibition of Indecent Representation of Women Act (1986), the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention and Redressal) Act (2013), the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, and the Domestic Violence Act (Section 498A), which has been significantly weakened in recent times.
It is worth noting that women in India gained the right to vote in 1950, whereas women in many renowned countries received this right years after their independence.
The real challenge, however, is that no matter how many laws are enacted, they will have little impact unless women attain political power. A bitter truth is that while the number of female voters in India now surpasses that of male voters, women still constitute only 15 percent of the Parliament. Men either do not consider women electable or are unwilling to accept their leadership in the country, workplace, and home. The Hindi films Abhimaan and Aandhi effectively portray this male-dominated mindset.
In countries like Sweden, Norway, and South Africa, women constitute 45% of the Parliament. In Mexico and Rwanda, this figure is as high as 50%. It is evident that in nations where women play a significant role in lawmaking, women's security and empowerment are prioritized. History has also shown that whenever women have been given the chance, they have left a lasting impact. Examples include Margaret Thatcher in Britain, Sirimavo Bandaranaike in Sri Lanka, Golda Meir in Israel, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Indira Gandhi in India. Indira Gandhi's leadership was particularly remarkable, as she led India through the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War despite threats from then-U.S. President Richard Nixon. Henry Kissinger, the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, even referenced her in his book using a Punjabi slur, highlighting the strength she exhibited on the global stage.
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