
Why A Child Sucks His Thumb?

Rama Saharia

New Delhi, 12 June 2024

Thumb-sucking is a problem with many children. The habit causes lots of worry to many a parent. Thumb sucking in children is a topic of considerable interest to behaviorists, physicians, psychologists, and parents. It is a fact that children take to thumb sucking because of its soothing, comforting effect. By sucking child's nutritional needs are also fulfilled. Moreover, it is through the mouth that the baby gets his first pleasure experience. Few know that lips, regions above or below the lips, or the cheeks when tactually stimulated greatly satisfy a child. Therefore, it is natural that when his fingers come in contact with the lips sucking follows.


There is an essential gratification about sucking that encourages a baby to fall back on this activity when he is unsatisfied for any reason. Because the repetition of anything that gives pleasure tends very quickly to make it a Lait, the baby may have formed the habit of thumb-sucking almost before the parents are aware of it.

Article at a Glance


Thumb sucking is a common habit in children that can cause concern for parents. It's essential to understand that thumb sucking is a soothing and comforting behavior that fulfills a child's nutritional needs and provides pleasure.

However, it can also be a sign of underlying issues such as boredom, lack of companionship, or seeking attention. To address thumb-sucking, parents should engage their children in various activities, provide attractive toys, and encourage outdoor games and hobbies.

Additionally, establishing a daily routine, removing emotional strains, and praising good behavior can help children outgrow this habit. By understanding the causes and implementing these solutions, parents can help their children overcome thumb-sucking and develop healthier habits.

There is some reason to believe that a baby who does not get tough sucking in getting his food is more likely to fall into this habit than one who has to work a little hard for his food.


A little child has energy in abundance. This energy, if not channeled properly, is most likely to be released in unhealthy behavior. Nervous habits involving the mouth are the most common of the various ways of expressing pent-up energy.


Various other reasons can be given as to why any child sucks his thumb. According to one view, it may be due to sucking deprivation during infancy. If the baby is kept away from his mother for any reason he remains unsatisfied throughout his life.


It could also be withdrawal of self or shielding away from a painful and stressful condition. Young Ajit, a slow learner with delayed reflexes, is always compared with his younger brother. His parents, little realizing what great damage they are doing to him often comm "Oh you stupid, you can't do that," You are good for nothing. When checked about his silly behavior' Ajit would hide behind a door with his thumb in his mouth or would cover himself with the quilt on the bed. Perhaps this suited him two ways-giving him oral satisfaction, and protecting him from parental scoldings.


Craving for attention is another cause for thumb sucking in young


children. They learn that naughtiness or willful disobedience of a


minor sort will generally give them more attention, than good behaviour. Therefore, when they feel they are being ignored they play naughty in the hope of getting the attention they crave. Even the temporary discomfort or punishment does not outweigh the satisfaction derived from having adult attention focused on them.


Parents worry over this problem is natural. They are concerned as it may affect the shape of the jaw and mouth; it may reflect bad training at home or may show bad manners in the child. In fact, in the first instance, the parents should study the whole behavior carefully before handling the situation psychologically.


When a child is bored or has nothing interesting to keep him busy he needs to have his boredom relieved by some or the other way. If your child is sucking his thumb give him suitable and attractive material to play with. He should be engaged in a wide variety of activities. The hand will come away automatically from the mouth if it has something better to hold. A child who has brushes to paint, color.. full blocks to build with, clay to model in short something for manipulation will not spend much time thumb sucking.


Sometimes, lack of companionship encourages the listless occupation of thumb-sucking. So encourage him to make more friends, encourage him for outdoor games, and encourage him to develop some hobbies. ep him busy when he is around it dusting the house, brushing the carpet, or polishing the furniture. Sometimes sucking takes place when the child is tired, tense on hungry. In such cases, special care should be taken to plan his daily routine. Give him food a little earlier and put him to bed a little sooner.


Further, try to put a stop to all talks about this a habit. Spend some time with him. Play, with mechanical devices, listen to his favorite records with him, and talk to him more often about his friends, about his books thus taking the child's pleasure experiences on a level with his development.


Make him as comfortable and relaxed as possible by removing his emotional strains, if any. He needs to be repeatedly told how important his company is for you, how much he is a part of your life and he much he is loved by all. If praised for what he does well, he will not fall back for long over an infant's way of obtaining satisfaction. After children outgrow their childhood habits.


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