
New Delhi, August 25, 2023

Was P.M.  Narasimha Rao a RSS Mole in Congress

‘Media Map’ tries to know from media persons

Amitabh Srivastava

‘Out damned spot’

(Lady Macbeth with blood-stained hands)

A little purgation from time to time is always more welcome than a huge explosion of emotions.

So it happened on Wednesday  at the release of ‘Memoirs of a Maverick first part: The First 50 years (1941 to 1991)’ written by who else-Mani Shankar Aiyer.

The man whose Twitter details read ‘Parody account of a Tea and Single Malt Connossieur. Intellectual Giant. Former Ambassador to Wakanda. Slightly pompous. Love Macaulay. Legend (in my own mind).’

At a well-attended programme at the India International Centre he was interviewed by Vir Sanghvi where Aiyar came out with his own version of the tenure of former Prime Minister Narsimha Rao calling hm as the ‘first BJP PM’ of the country.

Allegations of Rao’s complicity with the BJP especially during the demolition of the disputed Babri Masjid structure on December 6,1992 had always been there. But calling him the first BJP PM can only be done by a maverick like Aiyar.

Media Map decided to conduct a sort of media conclave on phone to check out reactions of prominent media personalities and other knowledgeable persons if this extreme reaction was justified years after the death of what was called the Chanakya of Indian politics.

Dr Satish Misra Senior Journalist and Political Commentator-

Mani Shankar is only saying what we all know. Even though Narsimha Rao was fully aware of what was happening in Ayodhya that day he did not move a finger because it suited him to be paly with the BJP. I know it personally that CRPF contingents were ready in Ayodhya (my own brother was a senior officer there) waiting for orders to come from Delhi but none came.”

This inaction of then PM totally damaged the credibility of the Congress with the Muslims and I would also go on to say that he permanently damaged the prospects of the Congress in North India by deliberately ignoring leaders like ND Tewari who was PM material. I can also now recall that Tewari was leading the agitation for a separate Uttarakhand but Rao allowed Mulayam Singh Yadav to play havoc condoning the firing and rapes of agitators at Khatima. Since that day the BJP has been taking the entire credit for creating Uttarakhand.”

Dr Gauhar Raza, scientist, poet and social activist

“What Mani Shankar Aiyar said is no secret and the whole country knows this. Rao was the Prime Minister on the day the demolition took place. Whether there were 50,000 people or one lakh outside the Masjid it was his responsibility to protect the structure after the Centre had given an undertaking to the Supreme Court. Kalyan Singh had been full freedom to fulfil the agenda of the RSS. Parliament did not function for three days and no arrests were made.

Yes the Congress lost its Muslim support on that day. Its natural. If a temple is demolished Hindus will get angry. All this is only for political reasons. Why do they demolish temples in Pakistan? How does it matter. How does it matter if they remain there?

But let me issue a warning. Whenever the Congress has strayed from the path of from secularism it has suffered. We still can’t get over Shah Bano, please remember?

I believe Mani Shankar also said that people of India and Pakistan want to live in peace. I can tell you from my personal experience that on my four visits to Pakistan they have pampered me like anything. In 2006/07 I was buying some books from a shop which were not available here. When the shopkeeper came to know that I was from India he refused to take Rs.1800 due from me. And the same has been the experience of a lot of Hindu friends I know.”

Dr. J. S Yadav, media guru and political commentator-

I would not like to make a wholesale charge of Rao being the agent of RSS. Yes in the case of Babri Masjid demolition, he did not act the way he should have and it helped the BJP.

Dr Ramesh Dixit, an academician and  Political activist  says-

What Aiyar is saying is that everyone knows in the country that no action was taken while the demolition was taking place. But what I was surprised with was the fact that none of the so- called secular minsters like  Arjun Singh resigned in protest while Rao was following his pro Hinduvat agenda.

Rao in fact connived with the BJP to demolish the Babri Masjid structure ‘na rahe baans na bajey bansuri’ was the thought.

We are no one to judge the motives behind events in the past. But collating the views of scholars and writers Media Map brings a collage of thoughts before our readers. And that’s the role in our view the media should play.


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