
New Delhi, August 8, 2023

On the other hand, the Opposition may have lesser in numbers like the Pandavas but they are extremely vocal and have a tremendous following on social media.

Amitabh Srivastava

Smriti Irani is now new to controversy.

But her new fad is to get publicity by naming Rahul Gandhi in every sentence she utters. In a way, she is duplicating the task assigned to the IT Cell headed by A it Malviya.

However, when she attacked Rahul Gandhi for the alleged flying gesture in the Lok Sabha as he was leaving the Parliament after delivering a power punch yesterday she took more than was good for her.

The BJP may be having the largest number of women ministers in the history of India but they are good for nothing because the party is ruled by a set of Feudal lords who have no concern for the slogan Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

On the other hand, the Opposition may have lesser numbers like the Pandavas but they are extremely vocal and have a tremendous following on social media.

The way they pounced on Smriti Irani for her comment on a very normal and friendly gesture may make her think twice before speaking if she can think, that is.

Priyanka Chaturvedi who had left the Congress some time back and is now a Rajya Sabha MP from Shiv Sena said, "I don't understand that when he was speaking, all the ministers were standing up. Ministers were creating obstructions. He made an affectionate gesture, what problem do you have with it? You are habitual of so much hatred that you fail to understand any gesture of love, of affection,"

Swati Maliwal Head of the Delhi Commission for Women wrote on X (formally Twitter), “A supposed flying kiss thrown in the air ignited so much fire. A man named Brij Bhushan is sitting two rows back. The one who called Olympic wrestlers into the room and put his hand on their chest put his hand on their waist and sexually assaulted them. Why don't you get angry at what he did?"

Mohua Moitra the fire brand TMC MP has shared a news item with a statement of Brij Bhushan Singh in the Indian Express where he has told the court 'Merely touching does not amount to criminal activity' and asked Smriti Irani"How about some outrage now@MInistryMWCD? Or are histrionics saved for INDIA? on her Twitter account.

And sending a flying kiss does, may we ask?

Those working with women's rights NGOs will have a lot of questions to ask Smriti Irani.

Why has she been silent on the issue of Ariha the two-plus Indian child languishing in a foster care home in Germany even as her parents are meeting every official concerned in India to get her back?

She will be asked why her ministry has been silent on the demand to make Marital rape a crime in India even though Justice Verna who created a new Criminal Law Amendment Act in 2013 after the brutal death of Nirbhaya had strongly recommended it. Around 180 countries in the world have already criminalised it. The Modi government refuses to take a stand even in the Supreme Court.

She will be asked why the Union Cabinet recommendation to give capital punishment to rapists of children within two months had not even taken off.

There are so many issues involving women and children but she appears so obsessed with Rahul Gandhi that other issues are pushed under the carpet.

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