
Today’s Edition

New Delhi, 13 May 2024


When do we forget our mothers to satisfy our lust for wealth?

Prabhjot Singh

A person wearing a red turban

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It is time to dedicate this special day to our mothers who did everything possible to turn us into good human beings, including doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, academicians, lawyers, judges, sportspersons and everything you can think or talk about! But do we repay whatever sacrifices they made to make us what we are today? Everyone has more than one mother, and the most important and precious of them all is the biological mother.

Then you have your motherland and for Indians, it is Bharat Mata. And then you have others, including cows for some and Mother Earth for almost all.

Article at a glance

Today, we celebrate our mothers who selflessly shaped us into who we are. But do we reciprocate their sacrifices? We have multiple mothers - our biological mother, motherland, and Mother Earth.

Unfortunately, some individuals prioritize wealth over their mother's love, abandoning their motherland to evade taxes. They forget that a mother's love is priceless.

On this Mother's Day, let's acknowledge the unconditional love and care our mothers provide, and strive to repay their sacrifices with gratitude and respect.

When the British descended on India, they were blown over by the richness of mother India, its natural bounty, including fauna and flora, mines and other natural resources plus tones of wealth, including jewellery, precious metals and other valuables which they either plundered or moved these treasures to their country back home for stacking in their museums, art galleries, palaces and forts.

 From “Sonne ki chidiya”, they reduced India to a beggar state projecting it as a country of beggars, snake charmers and street plates. Before they left, they played safe and left a legacy behind. This legacy continues to plunder India stacking wealth, mostly ill-gotten, in their tax heavens overseas. Some of them have now been identified by some international organisations. Nearly 7,000 of them have in recent times denounced Indian citizenship or in simple words “disowned” their “Bharat Mata” to avoid paying taxes on their ill-gotten money.

 There are several others, nearly 2,00,000 annually, who denounce  Bharat Mata and get adopted by lands and territories where they are not charged any taxes. They are stunningly rich but their list for money never gets satiated. What do they know love or affection of their mother? Money does not make for the love and care a mother provides to her child without ever asking for anything in return.

 Happy Mothers’ Day.


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